Recent news

News items include website updates and recent news of Eurachem events and activities.

Italian and Swedish translations for new PT leaflets

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Italian and Swedish flagsThe Eurachem PT Working Group has published translations of two recent Information Leaflets. Our Information leaflet on investigating poor results in PT is now available in Italian and Swedish, and our leaflet on use of surplus PT materials is now additionally available in Swedish. Both leaflets give short advice to help laboratories get the best from PT.

Find all our Information leaflets here >>

New Eurachem leaflet on Use of Surplus PT items

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Test items are sometimes available from proficiency testing (PT) providers after the completion of a PT round. It is often unclear to laboratories whether such materials can be used for quality control, validation etc. The Eurachem PT Working Group has now published a new Information Leaflet to advise laboratories on benefits and limitations of surplus PT items..

The new leaflet is currently available in English, with other translations planned.

Download the leaflet here >>

Eurachem compliance guide available in Portuguese

PTForMEQ 80Thanks to the hard work of Eurachem Portugal and the ForMEQ consortium (Fórum Internacional para Metrologia e Examinologia em Química), the Eurachem guide "Use of uncertainty information in compliance assessment" is now available for download from the Eurachem site in Portuguese.

Download the translation here >>

ILAC publishes revision of ILAC Guidance on Conformity and Decision Rules

ILAC LogoILAC has recently published a revision of the key guidance document on decision rules and statements of conformity.

To reflect the renewed inportance of decision rules in ISO 17025:2017, the title of the new ILAC G8 has been changed from "Guidelines on the Reporting of Compliance with Specification" to "Guidelines on Decision Rules and Statements of Conformity In ISO/IEC 17025". The revised guidance can be found on the ILAC website.

Read more: ILAC publishes revision of ILAC Guidance on Conformity and Decision Rules

New Supplementary guidance - Planning Validation Studies

mv pln coverThe Eurachem Method Validation Working Group has published a new supplement to our guide on  Method validation, covering the planning and reporting of validation studies. The supplement is in the form of a template for planning the evaluation of chosen performance characteristics. Once the experimental work has been completed, the template can be easily converted into a validation report. The supplement also contains a checklist to assist with validation planning..

Download the Supplement here >>