Information leaflets

pt-cmp-mrg132Eurachem Information Leaflets are short briefing documents on a specific topic. Information leaflets are usually intended to inform a wide audience, including laboratory staff, managers and laboratory customers.

Like Guides, Information Leaflets are developed by the different Working Groups, often in cooperation with other organisations.

Eurachem information leaflets are all available free of charge from the website. Many have been translated into several languages.

Current Eurachem Information Leaflets

The current list of topics and information leaflets is given below. All leaflets are available in English; availability in additional languages is indicated below. "Translations available" indicates that more than four language versions (including English) are available.

Previous editions, which may be available in additional languages, can be found in our publication archive.


Proficiency testing

Measurement uncertainty and traceability

Method validation


Withdrawn and Superseded Information Leaflets

Some older Eurachem Information leaflets have been superseded by the current editions listed above or withdrawn as no longer of current interest. Available electronic copies of all superseded guidance are, however, listed in the Publication Archive for reference.