Recent news

News items include website updates and recent news of Eurachem events and activities.

Eurachem new Chairs and Secretariat

David Milde hands over to the new Chair, Marina PatriarcaAt the 34th Eurachem General Assembly in Dublin, the Chair, David Milde (Czech Republic) handed over the Chairmanship to the Vice-Chair, Marina Patriarca of Italy. At the same time, the General Assembly elected Vicki Barwick (UK) as the new Vice-Chair, each for a two year term. The Eurachem Secretariat was handed over to Francesca Rolle, Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (Italy).

Read more: Eurachem new Chairs and Secretariat

Feedback invited on Eurachem Validation Guide

The Eurachem Method Validation WG invites public comment on the present version of the "Fitness for Purpose" guide (Ed. 2, 2014), with a view to developing future guidance. Comments can be provided using the Feedback form (off-site link), or by following the same link on the Validation WG page. FormPic200 

Information leaflet on 'Treatment of an observed bias' now available in German


Thanks to our colleagues in germany, the Measurement Uncertainty and Traceability WG is pleased to announce the availability of a German translation of the information leaflet Treatment of an observed bias. The leaflet provides a brief framework for handling an observed significant bias in the context of measurement uncertainty evaluation.

Download the new translation >>