Recent news

News items include website updates and recent news of Eurachem events and activities.

Third edition of "Accreditation for Microbiological Laboratories" published.

Micro plate. Original image credit: CDC

Eurachem are pleased to announce that, thanks to the work of an ad-hoc working group on microbiology, a substantially revised third edition of our Guide "Accreditation for Microbiological Laboratories" is now available from this website.

The aim of this guide is to provide microbiological laboratories with guidance on how to fulfil the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. The content will also be useful for organisations seeking accreditation or certification against the requirements of standards such as ISO 15189, GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) , GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), and GCP (Good Clinical Practice)).

Read more: Third edition of "Accreditation for Microbiological Laboratories" published.

Two information leaflets now additionally available in Farsi

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Thanks to hard work by our colleagues in Iran, we are pleased to say that Eurachem now has two new Farsi translations of different Information Leaflets. The leaflets newly available in Farsi are "What is the uncertainty factor?", covering a useful method of summarising large relative uncertainties, and the second edition of our leaflet "How can PT help my laboratory?".

Find all our Information Leaflets here >>

Sampling uncertainty guide now available in Italian

UfS Italian Cover with UfS Eurachem-CITAC cover

ESThanks to our colleagues in Italy, our working group on Uncertainty from Sampling are pleased to announce the availability of an Italian translation of the 2nd edition of the Eurachem/CITAC Guide "Measurement Uncertainty Arising from Sampling".

The Guide describes various methods that can be used to estimate the uncertainties arising from the processes of sampling and the physical preparation of samples. It is intended primarily for specialists such as sampling planners and for analytical chemists who need to estimate the uncertainty associated with their measurement results.

Download the Guide here >>

Second edition of "Terminology in Analytical Measurement" published

Terminology thumbnail

The Eurachem Education and Training Working Group are pleased to publish a new edition of our introduction to the terminology of metrology: "Terminology in Analytical Measurement — Introduction to VIM 3".

In this second edition the scope and structure, and the terms and concepts discussed, remain unchanged from the first edition. However, all sections have been reviewed and, where necessary, the text has been revised to improve clarity and ensure consistency with current guidance.

Download the revised guide here >>

Eurachem Spring 2023 Newsletter available for download

Newsletter cover image

The Spring 2023 Eurachem Newsletter is now available to download in PDF format [3 Mb]. Printed copies will also be available through National members.This 40th issue includes news from our working groups, updates on Eurachem guides and leaflets, reports from national Eurachem members, workshop summaries, and news on forthcoming events.

Previous newsletters can be found on the Newsletter page.

Czech translation of Eurachem PT guide

The EEE-PT Working Group is pleased to announce that, thanks to the hard work of our Czech colleagues, the latest edition of our guide "Selection, Use and Interpretation of Proficiency Testing (PT) Schemes by Laboratories" is now additionally available in Czech. The third edition brings the guide up to date with standards and guidance documents that have been revised and developed since the second edition was released in 2011. In particular it aligns the guide with ISO 13528:2015 and with current guidance on developing a PT participation strategy and selecting the most appropriate PT schemes..

The translation is available at no charge from the Eurachem website.

Download the guide here >>

Czech translation of Eurachem/CITAC guide on performance and uncertainty for qualitative analysis

Thanks to the work of our colleagues at Eurachem-CZ, the Eurachem/CITAC joint qualitative analysis working group is pleased to announce the release of a new Czech translation of our guide on "Assessment of performance and uncertainty in qualitative chemical analysis". The Guide provides tools to help improve the quality of qualitative analysis and of their interpretation.

The translation is available at no charge from the Eurachem website.

Download the guide here >>

May 2023 Workshop on Ensuring reliable results - first circular available

Careful pipetting

The first circular is now available for the May 2023 Eurachem Workshop on "Ensuring reliable and accurate results of analytical processes".

The main themes for the workshop are Method validation, Equipment and Software validation, Internal and external quality controls, and measurement Uncertainty and Traceability of results.

Read more: May 2023 Workshop on Ensuring reliable results - first circular available

Eurachem supports #WorldStandardsDay

World Standards Day graphic

"All ... Eurachem guidance documents build on a foundation of globally recognised international standards."

On #WorldStandardsDay, our colleague Kyriacos Tsimillis writes about the importance of Standards, globally and for Eurachem, in a new Eurachem Blog article