Recent news

News items include website updates and recent news of Eurachem events and activities.

PT leaflets updated

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Thanks to the hard work of our Proficiency Testing Working Group, we've issued updated versions of eight of our popular Information Leaflets on Proficiency testing topics, from selecting a PT scheme to following up PT results. The updates bring the leaflets up to date with current terminology and relevant Standards. English versions of the latest edition are available; translations into other languages are planned.

All the updated information leaflets can be found via our Information Leaflets page.


Proficiency Testing and Accreditation

In 2022 we mark World Accreditation Day on June 9th, with this year’s theme of “Accreditation: Sustainability in Economic Growth and the Environment”. This year, we explain how proficiency testing helps to support laboratory acceditation, and hence support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Read our latest blog article here >>

Eurachem/CITAC compliance assessment guide now available in Ukrainian

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The Eurachem/CITAC measurement and traceability working group are delighted to announce that, thanks to hard work by our colleagues in Ukraine, the second edition of our guide "Use of uncertainty information in compliance assessment" is now available in Ukrainian.

This second edition take into account the developments in other international guides and Standards, including ILAC G8, "Guidelines on Decision Rules and Statements of Conformity" and JCGM 106, "Evaluation of measurement data – The role of measurement uncertainty in conformity assessment".

Download the guide here >>

Online event - Discussion Forum on the Validity/Validation of Sampling Procedures

Eurachem and EUROLAB are pleased to announce an online discussion event on the topic of Validation of Sampling Procedures.

At this open event, Eurachem and Eurolap invite everybody with an interest/experience in the field of taking primary samples for the purpose of having them tested in an analytical laboratory to contribute with their views on the subject.

Read more: Online event - Discussion Forum on the Validity/Validation of Sampling Procedures

Eurachem 2021/22 Newsletter available for download

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The Winter 2021-22 Eurachem Newsletter is now available to download in PDF format [6 Mb]. Printed copies will also be available through National members.This issue includes articles on updated Eurachem guides and leaflets, news from our working groups and national Eurachem members, workshop summaries, and the results of our website user survey.

Previous newsletters can be found on the Newsletter page.

Eurachem PT Workshop - Information for 2023

Owing to continuing uncertainty about global travel restrictions through 2023, Eurachem have regretfully decided to further defer the 10th Eurachem Workshop on Proficiency Testing in Analytical Chemistry, Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine.

The workshop will now be held in Windsor, UK, on 25-28 September 2023. We hope that this will make for a more useful and successful workshop for all the participants.

We are also pleased to say that registration for the 2023 event is now open on the conference website.

Read more about the workshop >>