

Current Eurachem Guides

The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical Methods (2014)

Full title

The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical Methods: A Laboratory Guide to Method Validation and Related Topics: Second edition (2014)

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Frontcover Validation Guide 90

This guide was first issued in 1998, and has over the years been one of the most popular of the Eurachem guides. Since the release of the first edition, however, there have been many changes in terminology, working practices, reference documents and requirements. This second edition, produced by the Eurachem Method Validation Working Group, forms a thorough revision of the 1998 edition.

This second edition accommodates the main changes in international standards and practice. The new edition also includes notes on some aspects of validation that are specific to qualitative test methods.


This second edition includes guidance on:

  • The concept of method validation;
  • The background and rationale for method validation;
  • How a method validation study should be performed and how much should be done (validation/verification);
  • A thorough explanation of the various validation parameters (performance characteristics);
  • Follow-up on the validation study (reporting, use of performance data in Internal Quality Control);
  • Documentation of analytical methods.


Appendices also describe the statistical basis of detection limits and analysis of variance for precision studies, and add notes on qualitative analysis.

In preparing this guidance, the Working Group has aimed at the right balance between giving a solid theoretical background for method validation studies and providing practical guidelines on how to plan, perform and evaluate such studies in the laboratories.

The approach is generic in the sense that the Guide does not focus on particular fields of application (food, environment, pharmaceuticals etc.). However, the guide includes references to a number of specific guides in fields where different practices have been developed and become common.

The guide also includes a full bibliography. Further literature references on method validation can be found in the section "Validation of analytical methods" in the Reading list on this website.


The Guide is available from this website in the following languages:

In addition:

*Italian version also available at


This publication should be cited* as:
"B. Magnusson and U. Örnemark (eds.) Eurachem Guide: The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical Methods – A Laboratory Guide to Method Validation and Related Topics, (2nd ed. 2014). ISBN 978-91-87461-59-0. Available from"

*Subject to journal requirements

Supplementary guidance

The supplementary guidance below gives additional guidance on method validation topics:

  • Planning and reporting method validation studies. This supplement is in the form of a template which can be used to assist with planning the evaluation of the chosen performance characteristics
  • Blanks in method validation. This short supplement describes the different types of blanks which may be used during method validation and provides guidance for situations where it may be difficult to obtain a suitable blank matrix.


Translation into other languages is permitted for members of Eurachem. Other offers of translation should be directed to the Eurachem Secretariat for permission. The Eurachem policy on maintenance and development of Eurachem guidance, available on the Policies page, gives further information on translation.

Review/revision of the guide

The MVWG has started the process of reviewing the 2nd version (2014) of the guide with regard to a revision into a 3rd version.

The MVWG is always interested in feed-back from users of the guide, who are welcome to make their comments by use of the Feedback form on the Eurachem Fitness for Purpose guide (opens on another site)

Previous version

The 1998 edition of this guide can be found here for reference.


Quality Assurance for Research and Development and Non-routine Analysis (1998)


This guide, produced by a joint Eurachem/CITAC working party representing industrial, academic, and governmental interests, promotes and describes the concepts of quality assurance in the non-routine environment. The guide promotes a nested approach to quality assurance, dealing with it at a general organisational level, a technical level and a project specific level. It is intended to promote the use of QA as an effective tool for establishing and maintaining quality in R&D and non-routine operations. It does not seek to set criteria for accreditation of R&D although there is a section describing various methods for third party assessment of quality systems. The guidance may form the basis on which accreditation criteria can be set in the future. The guidance is intended to complement the existing CITAC guide (CG1) which describes QA in the routine environment. It is primarily directed towards analytical chemistry establishments but is, in principle, applicable to other sectors. An extensive bibliography is included.


The English language version (edition 1.0 1998) is available from the UK National Measurement System Chemical and Biological Metrology programme.

Download the guide from this website (new window) (pdf, 203 kB).


A German language version can be downloaded from the Eurachem/DE website documents page. (Opens new Browser window).

Translation into other languages is permitted for members of Eurachem. Other offers of translation should be directed to the Eurachem Secretariat for permission. The Eurachem policy on maintenance and development of Eurachem guidance, available on the Policies page, gives further information on translation.

Harmonised Guidelines for the Use of Recovery Information in Analytical Measurements (1998)

This guide was produced by IUPAC with contributions from Eurachem.


It is recognised that the use of recovery information to correct/adjust analytical results is a contentious one for analytical chemists. Different sectors of analytical chemistry have different practices. Formal legislative requirements with regard to the use of recovery factors also vary sector-to-sector. It is the aim of IUPAC, however, to prepare general Guidelines which may be seen to aid the preparation of the “best estimate of the true result” and to contribute to the comparability of the analytical results reported. IUPAC Interdivisional Working Party on Harmonisation of Quality Assurance Schemes for Analytical Laboratories has co-operated with the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), the International Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC Int.) and Eurachem to produce this guide. On the basis of contributions presented at the Symposium on Harmonisation of Quality Assurance Systems for Analytical Laboratories dedicated to the “Use of Recovery Factors in Analytical Chemistry” (September 1996, Orlando, USA; sponsored by IUPAC, ISO and AOAC Int.) a final document was prepared for publication by M. Thompson, S. L. R. Ellison, A. Fajgelj, P. Willetts and R. Wood. The document was submitted for publication in Pure and Applied Chemistry.
This document attempts to give Guidelines that are intended to be general in their scope and give recommendations that reflect common practice best able to achieve the comparability of analytical results. However, specific sectors of analytical chemistry will need to develop these Guidelines for their own requirements and the recommendations are not, therefore, to be seen as binding for all areas of analytical chemistry.


An English language version is available from A. Fajgelj, Quality Assurance Supervisor, International Atomic Energy Agency, Agency's Laboratories Seibersdorf, 2444 Seibersdorf, Austria. Tel.: +43 1 2600 28233, Fax: + 43 1 2600 28222, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Alternatively, you may download the guide from this website (pdf, 73 kB).


No other translations are currently available.

Measurement uncertainty arising from sampling (2nd edition, 2019)

Full title

UfS CoverMeasurement uncertainty arising from sampling: A guide to methods and approaches
Second edition (2019)


This Guide aims to describe various methods that can be used to estimate the uncertainties arising from the processes of sampling and the physical preparation of samples. It is intended primarily for specialists such as sampling planners and for analytical chemists who need to estimate the uncertainty associated with their measurement results.

The Guide deals with the case where the measurand is defined in term of the value of the analyte concentration in a sampling target, rather than in just the sample delivered to the laboratory. In this case, the sampling process affects the result and its uncertainty, and sampling is necessarily considered as part of the measurement process. This Guide takes a holistic view of the measurement process to include sampling and sample preparation as well as the analytical process.

The Guide begins by explaining the importance of the total uncertainty in a measurement for making reliable interpretation of measurements, and judging their fitness for purpose. It covers the whole measurement process, defining each of the component steps, and describing the effects and errors that cause uncertainty in the final result, with particular attention to sampling issues.

Two main approaches to the estimation of uncertainty from sampling are described. The empirical approach uses repeated sampling and analysis, under various conditions, to quantify the effects caused by factors such as the heterogeneity of the analyte in the sampling target and variations in the application of one or more sampling protocols, to quantify uncertainty (and usually some of its component parts). The modelling approach uses a predefined model that identifies each of the component parts of the uncertainty, making estimates of each component, and sums them in order to make an overall estimate.

For either approach, the Guide follows the principles of the ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, interpreted for analytical measurement in the Eurachem guide "Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement" which is available here.

This Second Edition includes a number of additions and changes. These include

  • the expression of uncertainty of measurement as an 'uncertainty factor' (FU) when the frequency distribution describing the sampling uncertainty is log-normal rather than normal, and guidance on the use of an uncertainty factor in an uncertainty budget.
  • the use of an unbalanced design to estimate uncertainty more cost-effectively than can be achieved using the balanced ‘duplicate method’ design;
  • updates to definitions and references to reflect current international documents and literature, including applications of these methods to on-site and in situ measurements, made at both the macro and the micro scale.


From this website:

* Also available from the ISS website.

Additional translations:

Note: In parallel with this Eurachem Guide on sampling uncertainty, Nordtest developed a shorter handbook on sampling, which is available from the Nordtest website.

Editorial corrections

A small number of editorial corrections have been identified since the edition above was approved. These are listed in the sheet of Errata below.

Note: The Spanish edition (UfS:2019.P2-ES) published 2021-05-25 includes the corrections listed in the above correction list, up to errata version 1.2.


This Guide should be cited* as:

M H Ramsey, S L R Ellison and P Rostron (eds.) Eurachem/EUROLAB/ CITAC/Nordtest/AMC Guide: Measurement uncertainty arising from sampling: a guide to methods and approaches. Second Edition, Eurachem (2019). ISBN (978-0-948926-35-8). Available from

*Subject to journal requirements.


Translation into other languages is permitted for members of Eurachem. Other offers of translation should be directed to the Eurachem Secretariat for permission. The Eurachem policy on maintenance and development of Eurachem guidance, available on the Policies page, gives further information on translation.

Translations of the First edition can be found in the publication archive, here.