Completed events
Eurachem Workshop - Uncertainty from sampling and analysis for accredited laboratories
A Eurachem International Workshop in conjunction with Eurolab and CITAC. | ![]() |
Venue and date
The workshop was held on 19-20 November 2019. The workshop was kindly hosted by BAM at BAM headquarters, Unter den Eichen, Berlin, Germany with support from EUROLAB-Deutschland. Approximately 130 participants attended, from 37 countries. The meeting included invited presentations, contributed oral presentations, and discussion and poster sessions. Available presentation material can be found via the programme links below.
General information
Workshop information
Date: 19-20 November 2019 Venue: BAM headquarters, Unter den Eichen, Berlin, Germany First circular: Download the first circular (pdf, 190kb) Second circular Download the second circular (pdf, 2.3 Mb) Social media Follow #ECMU2019 and @EurachemEvents for updates Workshop programme
Workshop programme (PDF, 1.2 Mb) Full scientific programme and Abstracts
Abstracts, with programme and list of posters (PDF, 1.6 Mb) (Last updated 2019-11-25) Aims and topics
Aims and topics
The workshop considered measurement uncertainty evaluation for sampling and analysis in the context of ISO/IEC 17025:2017. The workshop was intended for laboratory managers and staff concerned with
- designing and implementing sampling protocols to ensure acceptable levels of uncertainty in results and conclusions
- developing and maintaining field or laboratory procedures for measurement uncertainty evaluation and reporting to meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017
- reporting measurement uncertainty in conformity assessment decisions under ISO/IEC 17025:2017
The workshop discussed
- New provisions in the recently revised Eurachem Guide “Measurement uncertainty arising from sampling”
- Improved methods for evaluating uncertainty from sampling
- Current approaches to the evaluation of measurement uncertainty in analysis
- Limitations in uncertainty evaluation under the ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM)
- New approaches for expressing measurement uncertainty – large uncertainties and asymmetry
- Recent developments in uncertainty evaluation using validation and QC data
- Measurement uncertainty, conformity assessment and decision rules in ISO/IEC 17025:2017
- Measurement uncertainty and regulation
- Software for measurement uncertainty evaluation
- Planning and accreditation of sampling under ISO/IEC 17025:2017
- New directions for international guidance – the future of the GUM
Programme and presentations
Programme and presentations
Quick links
- Plenary presentations, Day 1
- Parallel sessions, Day 1
- Plenary presentations, Day 2
- Parallel sessions, Day 2
DAY 1 - Tuesday 19th November 2019
Introducing uncertainty, and uncertainty from samplingPlenary programme
Welcome and Opening Remarks - Welcoming remarks
Director BAM, and Chairman EUROLAB Germany, - Introduction to EURACHEM and its activities [1.2 MB]
Marina Patriarca (ISS, Italy; Chair of EURACHEM) - Introduction to the measurement uncertainty workshop [260 kB]
Steve Ellison (LGC, UK)
Introducing measurement uncertainty - Introduction to measurement uncertainty [1.2 MB]
Wolfhard Wegscheider (Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria) - Overview of Uncertainty from Sampling (UfS) and the Eurachem Guide (2019) [950 kB]
Mike Ramsey (University of Sussex, UK)
New features in the Eurachem UfS Guide 2nd Edition - Expressing uncertainty as an uncertainty factor, and Combining sampling and analytical uncertainty [600 kB]
Mike Ramsey (University of Sussex, UK) - Using unbalanced designs to reduce cost of sampling uncertainty estimation [1.3 MB]
Peter Rostron (UK) - Applications of UfS estimation across a range of sectors [2.5 MB]
Ariadne Argyraki (University of Athens, Greece)
Parallel discussion sessions (see below) - Session 1: Applications of Uncertainty from Sampling
- Session 2: Methods for evaluating Uncertainty from Sampling
(Session summaries below)
Accreditation perspectives - ILAC Guidance on contribution to measurement uncertainty arising from sampling and testing [204 kB]
Erik Oehlenschlaeger (ILAC) - The role of accreditation in assuring the quality of sampling [970 kB]
Lawrence Bilham (UKAS)
Next steps - The way forward for Uncertainty from Sampling [3.6 MB]
Mike Ramsey (University of Sussex, UK)
Parallel sessions - Day 1
DAY 2 - Tuesday 19th November 2019
Evaluation and use of measurement uncertaintyPlenary programme
Approaches to measurement uncertainty evaluation - Eurachem guidance on Measurement Uncertainty - Guides, leaflets and current work [1.4 MB]
Steve Ellison (LGC, UK) - Current approaches to the evaluation of measurement uncertainty in analysis [1.1 MB]
Vicki Barwick (LGC, UK)
Evaluating uncertainty from validation and QC data - MUkit – software for uncertainty from validation and QC according to Nordtest 537 - handling both absolute and relative uncertainty [4.0 MB]
Teemu Näykki - Uncertainty from validation and QC data [1.2 MB]
Ricardo Bettencourt da Silva (Univ. Lisbon)
Focussing on large uncertainties - Uncertainty estimation when the uncertainty is high [176 kB]
Alex Williams (UK) - Reporting high uncertainty - Asymmetry, Uncertainty Factors and log units [583 kB]
Bertil Magnusson (Trollboken AB)
Conformity assessment - Conformity and measurement uncertainty – an introduction [1.3 MB]
Steve Ellison (LGC, UK)
Parallel discussion sessions (see below) - Session 1: Conformity assessment
- Session 2: Handling high uncertainty, asymmetry and bias
- Session 3: Software for MU evaluation
International guidance - Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology (JCGM) – Current work and future guidance [284 kB]
Adriaan van der Veen (VSL, NL)
Workshop summary and closing discussion
Mike Ramsey and Steve EllisonParallel sessions - Day 2
Posters are listed in order of author for correspondence.
- Accuracy of the dimethylmethylene blue spectrophotometric assay in measuring the amount of encapsulated pentosan polysulfate into nanoparticles [207 kB]
Hanin Abdel-Haq - Estimation of sampling uncertainty for concentration of atrazine and desethylatrazin in drinking water wells
Primož Auersperger, Karin Lah - Production of IAEA CRMs: Assessment of uncertainty arising from homogeneity of the sample
S. Azemard, E. Vassileva, A.M. Orani, P. Mandjukov - Comparison of different strategies for estimation of measurement uncertainty of the total mercury in seawater at the pg/kg mass fraction levels
S. Azemard, E. Vassileva, A.M. Orani, P. Mandjukov - EDC-WFD: A project to deliver reliable measurements of estrogens for better monitoring survey and risk assessment
Sophie Lardy-Fontan, Christian Piechotta, Ester Heath, Noora Perkola, Stefania Balzamo, Paolo De Zorzi, Magda Cotman, Taner Gokcen, Caroline Gardia-Parège, Hélène Budzinski, Béatrice Lalère - Metrologically sound assessment of elemental composition differences in sea cucumber from different origins [1.6 MB]
Iryna Rehan, Carla Palma, Vanessa Morgado, Ricardo Bettencourt da Silva 51 - Little-big issues that testing laboratories are facing when uncertainties are being estimated [137 kB]
Camilo D Aleman C. Immer Mauricio Caicedo G. - Uncertainty in fatty acid methyl ester CRM characterization [258 kB]
Camilo D Aleman C. Yolby Milena Rodríguez Immer Mauricio Caicedo - Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty of a Validated Test Method on Nitrite in Water Supply by UV-Visible Spectrophotometry Equipped with Fiber Optic Probe
Admer Rey C. Dablio, Rodney C. Salazar, Emma D. Tayag - The median scaled difference: An outlier-resistant and model-independent indicator of anomalies for Key Comparison data [154 kB]
S L R Ellison - Analysis of microplastics in theory and in practice [1.1 MB]
C. Goedecke and U. Braun - A novel nested design approach for estimation of uncertainty arising from sampling in feed [456 kB]
Marios Kostakis, Evangelia Kritikou, Anastasia Koupa, Nikolaos Thomaidis - Phthalates in tattoo and Permanent Make Up inks: quantification and validation by GC/MS [1.3 MB]
C. Leoni, C. Majorani, C. Abenavoli, M. Famele, R. Lavalle, L. Palleschi, C. Ferranti, L. Fava, R.M. Fidente, M.L. Polci, S. D’Ilio, R. Draisci - CEQAT-DGHS Interlaboratory tests for method validation and measurement uncertainty determination [940 kB]
Peter Lüth, Kirstin Frost, Lutz Kurth, Marcus Malow, Heike Michael-Schulz, Martin Schmidt, Steffen Uhlig, Sabine Zakel - Determination of the Uncertainty Budgets of the Fluorescence Quantum Yield Values of Certified Standards as New Optical Reference Materials
J. Pauli, C. Würth, A. Güttler, Th. Schneider, U. Resch-Genger - A Statistical approach applied to the Proficiency Test on Plant Protection Products, during 2018
Angela Santilio,Chiara Pompili and Roberto Cammarata - Uncertainty of measurement and pesticide residues in vegetable products: application of alternative approaches based on quality control data for multi/single residue methods [3.2 MB]
Danilo Attard Barbini, Silvana Girolimetti and Patrizia Stefanelli - Application of the GUM approach for the evaluation of measurement uncertainty in analytical chemistry on the basis of calibration functions
Uhlig S, Simon K, Colson B, Hettwer K, Frost K - The EMUE Project – Examples of Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation
Maurice G. Cox, Adriaan M.H. van der Veen, John Greenwood, John Dawkins, Francesca Pennecchi
- Accuracy of the dimethylmethylene blue spectrophotometric assay in measuring the amount of encapsulated pentosan polysulfate into nanoparticles [207 kB]
- Details
- Category: Completed events
- Last Updated: Monday, 09 December 2019 22:08