• Eurachem Publications

    This section includes al of Eurachem's current Guidance documents.

    Article Count:
    • Guides

      Current Eurachem Guides

      Article Count:
    • Publications overview

      Article Count:
    • Withdrawn and superseded guidance

      This section contains references to available electronic copies of Eurachem guidance documents that have been superseded or withdrawn. They are provided primarily to assist historical comparisons and to provide a reference to past practice. Some may also include dated, but still useful, material such as examples of older analytical techniques.

      NOTE: These documents no longer constitute Eurachem policy and are not recommended for use in practising laboratories other than for background information. Users are encouraged to adopt the most recent edition of superseded publications.  References to current publications can be found here.

      Article Count:
    • Reading list

      Introduction and Scope

      This reading list has been prepared by members of the Eurachem Education and Training Working Group. It is based on bibliographies originally produced by TrainMiC [1] and LGC - under the UK’s Chemical and Biological Metrology programme (www.lgcgroup.com/nmi) - but has been substantially updated. The main focus of the references contained in the list is metrology in chemistry, with a particular focus on quality assurance. However, it is anticipated that that references will also be of interest to those working in other disciplines. It is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all publications relating to quality in analytical measurement. The aim is to provide references to a selection of websites, standards, guides and books which will hopefully be of use to all those involved with chemical analysis (and related disciplines), including laboratory staff, students, lecturers and trainers.

      Many of the references provided in this list are available to download free of charge; in particular, documents published by Eurachem, JCGM, Euramet, Eurolab, ILAC, EA and accreditation bodies such as UKAS.

      The aim is to update the bibliography annually.*  The Working Group welcomes suggestions for additions to the bibliography.  Please see the contact form for the working group to send additional references.

      The complete reading list can be downloaded in pdf format here. [pdf, 264 kB]

      The articles in the list below provide the same material in web-readable format.

      NOTE: Eurachem provides this list for information and is not responsible for the content or advice given in the resources listed. Software listed has not been validated by Eurachem and it remains the responsibility of the software user to ensure that it is suitable for their purpose.

      * PDF last updated 2024-05-25. See individual list items below for last amendment date of HTML versions.


      1. Taylor, P., Bulska, E., Duta, S. et al. TrainMiC®: a programme for life-long learning in metrology in chemistry. Accred Qual Assur 14, 167–173 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00769-009-0486-y

      The reading list, by Topic

      Article Count:
    • Information leaflets

      Information leaflets

      Article Count:
    • Eurachem Reports

      Eurachem Reports provide summaries of technical or other work conducted by Eurachem Working Groups, or by others on behalf of the Eurachem Executive. Eurachem reports are issued for information only and do not constitute guidance or statements of policy.

      Preparation of reports is governed by the Eurachem Policy on Publication of Eurachem reports.

      Article Count:
  • Working Groups

    Eurachem's technical activity is carried out by its various Working Groups. Working groups activities typically involve

    • Producing Technical guidance
    • Initiating or contributing to international workshops and other events
    Article Count:
    • Inactive

      Inactive working groups

      Article Count:
    • Active Working Groups

      Eurachem currently has the following active working groups:

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    • Liaison Working Groups

      This section gives brief details of Eurachem contributions to working groups in liaison organisations.
      Article Count:
  • Task Views

    Task views make it easy to find all the Eurachem resources specific to a particular topic. Each view lists the working group responsible, together with all the guides, information leaflets and other relevant resources available on the Eurachem website. The currently available task views are:

    Article Count:
  • User Pages

    Articles for registered users - user help etc.

    Article Count:
    • User help

      Articles relating to help for registered users

      Article Count:
  • ErrorPages

    Error page(s) for 404 etc.
    Article Count:
  • Eurachem Events

    Eurachem events include local and international workshops and traiing events. Information on forthcoming and completed events can be found here. For a list of all events, including committee meetings, see the Calendar.
    Article Count:
    • Workshops

      Forthcoming workshops, webinars and other events are displayed here. For completed events, see the list of completed events.

      Article Count:
    • Completed events

      Material available from completed Eurachem and related events is collated here. Note that this is not a comprehensive list of previous events; only events for which supplementary information, such as presentations or other reports, are available.

      Article Count:
  • Eurachem

    The Eurachem section includes information about Eurachem itself, including Eurachem's structure, legal status, Policies and Procedures, history, strategy and other general information.

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  • Frontpage

    Article Count:
  • News

    News items on the website include News articles contributed from time to time, and the annual Eurachem Newsletter.

    Article Count:
    • Newsletters

      Eurachem Newsletters

      Article Count:
    • News

      News items include website updates and recent news of Eurachem events and activities.

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  • Polls and surveys

    Current polls and surveys.

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  • Event administration

    This category contains event administration pages. It is normally unused.
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  • Contact and mailing information

    Pages here allow users to sign up for Eurachem news via the Eurachem mailing lists
    Article Count:
  • Eurachem Blog

    Topical articles on a range of topics.

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  • Member pages

    Pages in this category include information for registered Eurachem members.

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