Information leaflets

Information leaflets

Information leaflets

Fitness for the intended use of analytical equipment and systems


Q Pyramide

Analytical equipment is a fundamental part of all chemical and biological analytical laboratories. It is crucial to make sure that equipment is fit for its intended use ("qualified"), properly installed, operating correctly, stable and suitably calibrated.

This leaflet outlines the role and handling of analytical equipment and systems in a laboratory dealing with the analysis of chemical elements and molecules. It forms an introduction to topics being considered by the Eurachem Analytical Equipment and Systems Qualification Working Group.


The leaflet is currently available in English.


Translation into other languages is encouraged for members of Eurachem. Other offers of translation should be directed to the Eurachem Secretariat for permission. The Eurachem policy on maintenance and development of Eurachem guidance, available on the Policies page, gives further information on translation.


1. Dates show date of publication of the linked file on this website.

2. English edition first published 2025-01-27

ISO 15189:2022 – A new task for medical laboratories


2022 saw the publication of a new version of ISO 15189 - Medical laboratories - Requirements for quality and competence. One of the main changes in the new version of the standard is the is the introduction of a risk-based philosophy. It has also been significantly restructured to follow the format of standards in the ISO 17000 series. In addition, requirements for point-of-care testing, previously addressed in ISO 22870, have been incorporated in the standard.

This brief Information Leaflet, prepared by the Eurachem Education and Training Working Group gives a quick overview of the main changes in the 2022 edition of the Standard.


The leaflet is currently available in English.


Translation into other languages is encouraged for members of Eurachem. Other offers of translation should be directed to the Eurachem Secretariat for permission. The Eurachem policy on maintenance and development of Eurachem guidance, available on the Policies page, gives further information on translation.


1. Dates show date of publication of the linked file on this website.

2. English edition first published 2024-06-18

Understanding PT statistics

Word cloud - statistical terms


WordCloudRect90rThe Eurachem Guide on “Selection, Use and Interpretation of Proficiency Testing (PT) Schemes” recommends participants to consider the statistical approach used by the PT provider when selecting a PT scheme. This leaflet is intended to help participants in quantitative PT schemes to better understand the statistical parameters that are used in the PT report to describe the distribution of results reported by participants.


The leaflet is currently available in English.



Please consult the PT Working Group Chair if you would like to prepare a translation in your own language.



1. Dates show date of publication of the linked file on this website.


Understanding PT performance assessment

Word cloud - statistical terms


scorebasis 01All proficiency testing schemes include an assessment of laboratory performance. Most compare a laboratory result with an assigned value, and assess performance based on the difference and a criterion for successful performance. Often, this assessment also involves calculating a score for consistent interpretation across rounds and, sometimes, across PT schemes. But there are many different ways of determining an assigned value and setting a criterion for performance assessment, and there are several different scoring methods. 

This leaflet is intended to help participants in quantitative proficiency testing (PT) schemes to better understand the performance assessment made by the PT provider.


The leaflet is currently available in English.



Please consult the PT Working Group Chair if you would like to prepare a translation in your own language.



1. Dates show date of publication of the linked file on this website.