Eurachem Policies

Eurachem Policies

Eurachem Strategy

The Eurachem General Assembly periodically sets out and updates strategic objectives, typically for a five year period. The present five-year strategy can be found at the link below.

Eurachem Policies and Procedures

Eurachem operates according to a number of policies and procedures. All our policies are listed below.

Policies are periodically reviewed; the policies provided here are the current policy.

Memorandum of Understanding

  • The Eurachem Memorandum of Understanding is the fundamental document, signed by all members. It contains Eurachem's constitution and sets out Eurachem's strategies, aims and objectives, and it describes the rights and responsibilities of the members. The MoU was last updated in May 2019.

Membership of Eurachem

Eurachem Executive appointments

  • Eurachem policy on appointment of Executive members was first agreed in 1996 and last updated in 2022. The current policy is available here.

Eurachem Financial Rules and Policies

The documents listed below set out Eurachem's financial rules and related policies as agreed by the Eurachem General Assembly.

Establishment and Operation of Eurachem Working Groups

The Eurachem MoU provides for the establishment of Working Groups to undertake particular tasks, such as the development of Eurachem guidance. Eurachem has established policy for the formation and operation of working groups, including their appointment, eligibility for membership, appointment of Working Group Chairs, and requirements for Working Group Terms of Reference.

Development of Guides

Eurachem has agreed stringent procedures for the development and approval of Eurachem guidance. The policy (last updated in May 2022) covers development, maintenance and revision of Eurachem Guides, preparation of Information Leaflets, and translation of Eurachem guidance. Guideline templates for new guides and leaflets are also available.

Word versions of the above Templates are available to members on request and via the member pages on this website.

Eurachem Reports

Eurachem Reports provide summaries of work conducted by Eurachem Working Groups or by others on behalf of the Eurachem Executive. Eurachem reports are issued for information only and do not constitute guidance or statements of policy.

Workshops and events

Guidance for the organisation of workshops was updated in 2021. The update includes guidance on preparing for and holding online events.

Responding to consultations

From time to time, Eurachem is invited to provide comment on documents from stakeholder organisations. This guideline provides procedures for gathering and returning comment on behalf of Eurachem members.

Honours and awards

Eurachem may recognise exceptional individual and organisational contributions to Eurachem or to the improvement of measurement quality in Analytical Science through an award of honourary individual membership, and may make additional awards from time to time, in accordance with the policy below.


Use Of the Eurachem Name And Marks

This policy sets out the permitted uses of the Eurachem name and marks (‘logo’).

Data protection and privacy

The following policy sets out Eurachem policy on collection and use of personal information. It is accomanied by a procedure for use in the event of loss or unauthorised disclosure of personal information.

Note: There is a separate policy covering privacy for the Eurachem website; see below.

Website policies

Website content policy

This policy sets out Eurachem policy on the control of website content, including the normal expectations for publication of contributions to Eurachem workshops and events and policy on links to other organisations.

Website privacy policy

This policy describes the current* policy for use of personal information (including "cookie" use) on the Eurachem website.This differs from the general policy on use of personally identifiable information above because it only applies to information held or disclosed on the Eurachem website.

*Approved by Eurachem Executive May 2016; last updated 24 May 2023

Eurachem Privacy Policies

Eurachem's data protection and website privacy policies are available here for reference during user registration. For a full listing of all policies, including these, see our policies page.

Data protection and privacy

The following policy sets out Eurachem policy on collection and use of personal information.

Website privacy policy

This policy describes the current policy for use of personal information (including "cookie" use) on the Eurachem website.