

Inactive working groups

Metrology in Chemistry [Closed 2007]

(joint with EUROMET)
[Euromet was reconstituted as Euramet ( in 2007]

Introduction and Membership

In 2000, Eurachem and Euromet agreed to establish a joint committee on metrology in chemistry, with equal participation, replacing the former Euromet Amount of Substance committee. The new committee, called MetChem, comprises a plenary and four expert groups on gas analysis, inorganic analysis, organic analysis and electrochemical analysis, thus mirroring the CCQM. The Metchem plenary was chaired by Dr. Philippe Charlet, BNM-LNE France. Members of the plenary have been nominated by national Euromet and Eurachem organisations and are listed here. Convenorship of working group was divided between Eurachem and Euromet as follows:

  • Gas analysis: Peter Woods, United Kingdom (representing Euromet)
  • Inorganic analysis: Ralf Matschat, Germany (representing Eurachem)
  • Organic analysis: Maire Walsh, Ireland (representing Eurachem)
  • Electrochemical analysis: Michal Mariassy, Slovak Republic (representing Euromet).

Terms of Reference

1 Objective

The objective is to provide a common European forum on metrology in chemistry.

2 Tasks and interest

The general tasks and areas of common interest are :
2.1 to develop, improve and apply primary methods and reference materials for chemical measurements
2.2 to support and act for the development of national and international chemical measurement structures
2.3 to provide a pragmatic approach to measurement traceability and measurement uncertainty and to establish links to SI where appropriate
2.4 to undertake regional key comparisons and supplementary comparisons, and to provide links with CCQM
2.5 to undertake research in metrology, to support different sectors in chemistry
2.6 to disseminate expertise and knowledge on metrology in chemistry through seminars, guides, conferences, comparisons, etc.

3 Organisation

3.1 EUROMET and EURACHEM participate to the Contact Persons meeting of « Metrology in Chemistry » (MetChem) on equal footing.
3.2 The EURACHEM Chairman provides a list of Contact Persons (one per country). *)
3.3 The EUROMET Chairman provides a list of Contact Persons (one per country). *)
3.4 The EUROMET Rapporteur will chair the Contact Persons meeting of MetChem.
3.5 Four expert groups have been defined as sub-fields given below: - gas - organic - inorganic - electrochemistry
3.6 For each sub-field a Convenor will be proposed by the MetChem Rapporteur and nominated by the EUROMET Chairman.

*) The EUROMET and EURACHEM Delegates are free to nominate together one and the same Contact Person for their country.

Work Programme

As a consequence of the Arrangement on Mutual Recognition of National Measurement Standards and of Calibration and Measurement Certificates Issued by National Metrology Institutes drawn up by the International Committee of Weights and Measures (see BIPM Website, the national measurement institutes and national reference laboratories in the members states of the Meter Convention are currently compiling their calibration and measurement capabilities (CMCs) in the various measurement fields, among others in the field of chemical measurements, for publication in a database on the Internet. Before publication, these CMC claims will undergo an in-depth review within and between regional metrology organisations. For metrology in chemistry in Europe, Eurachem and Euromet agreed to share this task. The main work item of Metchem working groups will be therefore be the primary review of CMCs from NMIs in Europe, and the secondary review of CMCs from NMIs in other regions of the world. Other work items will include intercomparisons at the European level, studies of potentially primary methods, but also contributions to the revision of the VIM.

Inactive Working Groups

Eurachem working groups are not maintained indefinitely, and may be closed where the required activites are complete or where activity is better undertaken elsewhere. Historical terms of reference, membership and activities of Working Groups which have been closed can be found under the links below.


Reference Materials (EEEE-RM) WG [Closed 2005]

(joint with EA, EUROLAB and EUROMET)

Terms of Reference

  1. To examine the state of the art in this field and promote the correct use of Reference Materials (RMs)
  2. To identify the essential requirements and information which the producer of RMs must give to the users to provide confidence in the product and to establish comparability in testing
  3. Guidance on proper selection and use of RMs, action if they are not available
  4. To define acceptance criteria and validation strategies for RMs (internal and external)
  5. RMs, comparability in testing and metrology
  6. To identify possible ways to promote the dissemination of information on available RMs (e.g., COMAR)

Work Programme

  • To discuss and finalize a guidance document on selection and use of RMs
  • To submit comments on the ISO- and ILAC-documents concerning the competence of institutions, which produce and/or characterise reference materials and to analyse if these documents can be used in third party assessment
  • To advise if the third party assessment and recognition of RM-producers of various types of RMs can be done by accreditation bodies for testing and calibration laboratories and/or accreditation bodies for product certification/inspection and/or accredited product certification bodies/inspection bodies, or if a new type of assessment body is required
  • To consider the role of national metrology institutions in establishing the traceability of RMs
  • To submit recommendations for a (European) system of mutual recognition for RMs produced by recognized bodies
  • To organise sectorial workshops and other actions such as contributions to symposia on selection and use of RMs
  • To prepare actions towards the V framework programme
  • To support information systems concerning RMs



Chair: A Zschunke (Germany)
Secretary: S Recknagel (Germany)

P Ackermann (Switzerland) B King (United Kingdom) J M Christensen (Denmark) U Örnemark (Sweden)
E-H Elgåsen (Sweden) V Komppa (Finland) A Marschal (France) W Richter (Germany)
J F Moro (France) E de Leer (The Netherlands) U Örnemark (Sweden) U Waetjen (IRMM)
P E Poulsen (Denmark) B A Nyeland (Denmark) A Porro (Spain)  
L Sanchez (Spain) M Walsh (Ireland) E Strazds (Latvia)  
    A Zschunke (Germany)  



Guide: The Selection and use of Reference Materials (2002)