Eurachem members

Eurachem currently has 34 full and 2 associate members, listed below.

Eurachem members are represented on the general Assembly by their National Representatives. Where available, countries link to their national Eurachem organisation site. Click here for a list of National Representatives.

Full members
AT Austria BE Belgium     BG Bulgaria    
CT Croatia CY Cyprus CZ Czech Republic      
DK Denmark EE Estonia EU European Commission
FI Finland FR France GE Georgia
DE Germany GR Greece HU Hungary
IS Iceland IE Ireland IT Italy
LV Latvia LT Lithuania NL Netherlands
NO Norway PL Poland PT Portugal
RO Romania SR Serbia SK Slovak Republic
SI Slovenia ES Spain SE Sweden
CH Switzerland TR new Türkiye
UA Ukraine
GB United Kingdom
Associate members
AM Republic of Armenia RU Russia    

Click here for guidelines on Eurachem membership.