Ensuring reliable and accurate results of analytical processes

The analytical process spans from sampling over sample preparation to the actual measurement process. All these steps contribute to the measurement uncertainty of the result. Reliable and accurate results are subsequently interpreted and further used. At this International Workshop, leading international and Swiss experts shared their current practices, latest developments and challenges across the analytical process.
The workshop attracted 80 participants from 4 continents and 24 countries.
Available presentations and posters can be found in the Programme and Posters sections below. Refereed papers papers related to the event are available in a special online Collection hosted by the journal Accreditation and Quality Assurance (see
Workshop information
Date: 22-23 May 2023, 09:00 - 16:00 Venue: Federal Institute of Metrology METAS, Lindenweg 50, 30303 Wabern adjacent to Bern. (active from January 10th) Information: First circular (pdf, 2.9 Mb) Registration: Registration for this event is closed. Workshop Themes
The workshop covered:
- Method validation
- Equipment and Software validation
- Internal and external quality controls
- Uncertainty and Traceability of results
The workshop, hosted by METAS, the Swiss national metrology institute, was intended for anyone involved in analytical processes, including laboratory quality laboratory technicians and managers; measurement instrument manufacturers, representatives of accreditation authorities, metrology institutes and standardisation bodies; technical assessors as well as customers of laboratory services.
Scientific Programme
Programme and Abstracts
- Workshop programme (pdf, 1.8 Mb)
- Abstracts for Oral presentations [pdf, 910kB]
- Poster abstracts [pdf, 903 kB]
Day 1 22 May 2023
09:00 – 09:15 Opening of the Workshop
Welcome addresses
- Welcome and introduction to METAS
- Philippe Richard, Director, METAS;
- Welcome and introduction to Eurachem (PDF, 2 Mb)
- Isabelle Vercruysse, Eurachem Chair
09:15 – 11:30 Session 1 – Method validation
Chair: Lorens P. Sibbesen, Lab Quality International
- ICH Q2(R2) & Q14 Guidelines and impact on validation in OMCL Laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025:2017) (2 Mb)
- Massimiliano Conti, Swissmedic
- Correct choice and application of certified reference materials in method validation in food analysis (1.7 Mb)
- Gisela Umbricht, METAS
- Non-Target Methods: Challenges and Perspectives (920 kb)
- Marios Kostakis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- BCR sequential extraction procedure and its application to mine tailings and fly ashes (1.8 Mb)
- Lyudmila Angelova University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Bulgaria
- Panel discussion
11:30 – 12:30 Poster Session or Guided laboratory tour
13:15 – 15:30 Session 2 – Equipment and Software validation
Chair: Christoph Jansen, Mettler Toledo Analytical
- Lifecycle approaches for establishing ‘fitness for use’ of analytical instruments and systems in order to support and maintain ‘fitness for purpose’ of analytical procedures (2.6 kb)
- Christopher Burgess, independent consultant
- Digital measurement and control technology in the analytical sciences and its quality assurance (1.7 Mb)
- Ernst Halder, Eurachem-CH
- Ion mobility as additional Metrological Value – the Invaluable Benefit of another Dimension in Hybrid Mass Spectrometry (7 Mb)
- Need for the validation of on-site test kits, portable devices and continuous measuring devices for water quality monitoring (1.1 Mb)
- Nathalie Guigues, LNE
- Panel discussion
16:00 – 17:00 Poster Session or Guided laboratory tour
Day 2 23 May 2023
09.00 – 09.15 Opening, Day 2
- Welcome to METAS 2nd day
- Hanspeter Andres, Vice Director, METAS
09:15 – 11:30 Session 3 – Internal and external quality controls
Chair: Hanspeter Andres, METAS
- Laboratory medicine – mandatory quality controls are self-evident (2.4 Mb)
- Katharina Rentsch, University Hospital Basel
- The Proficiency Testing System of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
- Andreas Schorer, Laboratory Spiez
- Ensuring Validity of Examination Results: What is new in the new ISO 15189 (815 kb)
- Kyriacos C. Tsimillis, Pancyprian Union of Chemists
- Comparison of standardized and novel methods for oil spill source identification in real spill scenarios reproduced in proficiency tests (4.2 Mb)
- Ana Catarina Rocha, Instituto Hidrográfico, Lisbon
- Panel discussion
11:30 – 12:15 Poster Session or Guided laboratory tour
13:15 – 15:30 Session 4 – Uncertainty and Traceability of results
Chair: Evaldas Naujalis, FTMC
- Measurement uncertainty from sampling and its role in validation of measurement procedures (2.1 Mb)
- Mike Ramsey, Prof. em. University of Sussex
- The Importance of Traceability or how to Achieve Comparability of Chemical Measurements (4.5 Mb)
- Markus Obkircher, Merck Group
- Uncertainty evaluation based on practical examples - why we need numerical methods (2.5 Mb)
- Stephen Ellison, LGC group
- The impact of input data on the evaluation of the measurement uncertainty: A case study (1.3 Mb)
- Ricardo Bettencourt da Silva, University of Lisbon
- Panel discussion
16:00 End of the Workshop
Poster session
- Poster abstracts [pdf, 903 kB]
- Sampling in combination with process knowledge as critical factors for the reliability and accuracy of laboratory testing (636 kb)
- Aristos Loucaides
- Ensuring quality of the analytical process in a research laboratory (1.4 Mb)
- Andriana Surleva
- Assessment of trends and correlations of parameters of a vast oceanic area robust to data uncertainty
- Carlos Borges
- Equipment Qualification (370 kb)
- Ernst Halder
- Pyramid of Quality (310 kb)
- Ernst Halder
- Measurement uncertainty arising from sampling and analytical steps of dissolution test (500 kb)
- Felipe R. Lourenço
- Total combined global risk assessment applied to pharmaceutical equivalence of medicines (578 kb)
- Felipe R. Lourenço
- Measurement uncertainty evaluation of microbial enumeration test for medicines (1.8 Mb)
- Felipe R. Lourenço
- Multivariate guard-bands applied on multiparameter evaluations of medicines (390 kb)
- Felipe R. Lourenço
- Analytics for phosphorus recycling from sewage sludge and mineral fertilizers (590 kb)
- Lena Märki
- Quality Characteristics of Performance of the Determination of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater. The case study of Athens
- Marios Kostakis
- European Metrology Network for Pollution Monitoring POLMO (1.5Mb)
- Nathalie Guigues
- European Metrology Network for Safe and Sustainable Food (700 kb)
- Silvia Mallia
- Validation of a method for acid treatment and subsequent determination by ICP-OES of heavy metals in soils and industrial tailings (760 kb)
- Temenuzhka Radoykova
- Objective assessment of the evolution of microplastic contamination in sediments from a vast coastal area (3.6 Mb)
- Vanessa Morgado
- Details
- Last Updated: Friday, 03 May 2024 12:05