Active Working Groups

Active Working Groups

Eurachem currently has the following active working groups:

Analytical Equipment and System Qualification Working Group

The Analytical Equipment and System Qualification Working Group (AE&SQ WG) aims to provide guidance on best practice in Analytical Equipment and System Qualification (AE&SQ). The core topic of the working group is the fitness for the intended use of analytical equipment and systems.

Terms of Reference

Pyramid of Quality

  1. The Analytical Equipment and System Qualification Working Group (AE&SQ WG) has been established and will operate in accordance with the ‘Procedure for the development of Eurachem Guidance’. The core topic of the working group is the fitness for the intended use of analytical equipment and systems.
  2. Any Eurachem member country may nominate expert members to the AE&SQ WG. Members of the WG with specific expertise may also come from outside Eurachem.
  3. The chair or an assigned member of the AE&SQ WG reports to the Eurachem executive and the guidance will be subject to the approval of the Eurachem General Assembly.
  4. The AE&SQ WG will provide guidance on Analytical Equipment and System Qualification (AE&SQ). The guidance will be applicable to all chemical and microbiological analytical laboratories and meet the requirements for the applicable quality standard and system.
  5. The AE&SQ WG deals with questions of data integrity, IT qualification / validation and risk assessment relevant to the AE&SQ.
  6. Supplementary guidances will be issued. These will contain specific recommendations and examples on a particular category of equipment, e.g. analytical balances or on specific topics e.g. data integrity and IT qualification and validation. They serve the purpose of illustration and clarification of the guideline.
  7. The AE&SQ WG shall make arrangements for appropriate publication and promotion of the above guideline and supplementary guidance. This includes the possibility to publish information leaflets.
  8. The AE&SQ WG shall organise, support and participate in international seminars and workshops on AE&SQ issues in analytical sciences.
  9. The AE&SQ WG collaborates and provides input on equipment and system qualification into other Eurachem working groups.
  10. The AE&SQ WG follows and discusses new developments within analytical science, which may require new approaches regarding AE&SQ or the modification of the guidance.
  11. The AE&SQ WG contributes to the Eurachem Reading List with relevant references on AE&SQ in analytical science.

Contact the Working Group

The working group may be contacted via the  Website contact form.


  • Peter Fodor (Hungary)
  • Klaus Fritsch (Switzerland)
  • Tímea Gönczöl (Hungary)
  • Ernst Halder (Switzerland, Chair)
  • Martin Huber (Switzerland)
  • Jens Jacobsen (Switzerland)
  • Valéria Kardos, (Hungary)
  • Holger Keller (Switzerland)
  • Rudolf Köhling (Germany)
  • Dusan Kordik (Slovakia)
  • Dmytro Leontiev (Ukraine)
  • Anna Lorincz (Hungary)
  • Ágnes Nagy (Hungary)
  • Attila Nagy (Hungary)
  • Barbara Pohl (Germany)
  • Jan Sunderkötter (Germany)
  • Isabelle Vercruysse (Belgium)
  • Oleksandr Vypirailenko (Ukraine)


Reference Materials Working Group

(Joint with CITAC)

Terms of reference

  1. To establish a working group of experts nominated by GA Members, EA, EUROLAB and other interested organizations with liaisons with Eurachem, to review and update as necessary the guide on ‘Selection and use of Reference Materials’ (2002) following the revision of the ISO/REMCO Guides on RMs.
  2. To contribute to disseminate information on good practice in the selection and use of RMs, by promoting Eurachem guidance on RMs.
  3. To contribute to maintain and update the relevant section on RMs of the Eurachem Reading List.
  4. The Eurachem Reference Materials Working Group has been established and will operate in accordance with the Constitution agreed in the Eurachem Memorandum of Understanding

Current activities

The Eurachem RMWG is working to update the guide on ‘Selection and use of Reference Materials’, first published in 2002, following the revision of ISO/REMCO Guides 30-35 on Reference Materials and further developments in ISO TC 334.

The last meeting of the RMWG was held virtually on the 6th of June 2024.
The next meeting of the RMWG is planned for September 2024.

RMWG members at the 2018 meeting
Members of the Eurachem Reference Materials Working Group at the inaugural meeting in 2018 at ISS in Rome.


Organisation Member Country
 Eurachem Maria Belli Italy
  Kathrin Breitruck Switzerland
  Stephen Ellison UK
  Anna Fichtner Germany
  Ernst Halder Switzerland
  Birgit Kreis Germany
  Dimka Ivanova Bulgaria
  Sophia Mast Germany
  Raquel Murtula Spain
  Olivia O’Connor Ireland
  Markus Obkircher Switzerland
  Silvia Orlandini Italy
  Marina Patriarca (Chair) Italy
  Anton Petrenko Ukraine
  Zbyněk Plzák Czech Republic
  Silke Richter (Vice Chair) Germany
  Francesca Rolle Italy
  Mike Sargent UK
  Angela Sorbo Italy
  Kevser Topal Turkey
  Kyriacos Tsimillis Cyprus
  Kees van Putten The Netherlands
  Christina Virgiliou Greece
  Giovanna Zappa Italy
  Claudia Zoani Italy
CITAC Angelique Botha South Africa
  Tony Dadamos* Brazil
  Michela Sega Italy
EA Harris Alexopoulos Greece
  Beatriz Almagro Spain
European Commission (JRC) Marina Ricci EU

* Corresponding member


The working group may be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or using the working group's website contact form.



Method Validation Working Group

The Eurachem Method Validation Working Group (MVWG) aims to function as a centre of expertise in the field by assembling and promoting best practice in Method Validation.

Terms of Reference

The Eurachem Method Validation Working Group has been established and will operate in accordance with the Constitution agreed in the Eurachem Memorandum of Understanding. It will function as a centre of expertise by identifying and developing best practices on how to ensure that analytical methods are fit for purpose. The MVWG is working:

  1. To provide guidance on method validation. This guidance will be applicable to all analytical laboratories and meet the requirements for accreditation;
  2. To organize - and contribute to - international seminars and workshops on issues related to method validation within analytical measurement;
  3. To collaborate and provide input on method validation into other Eurachem working groups, joint task groups and other professional liaison organisations;
  4. To follow and discuss new developments within analytical measurement, which may require new approaches regarding method validation;
  5. To contribute to the "Reading List" with relevant references on method validation in analytical measurement.



  • Contributed to the scientific programme of the Eurachem workshop Quality Assurance in Chemical, Medical and Microbiological Laboratories in Vilnius, Lithuania, May 2024.

  • Presented on method validation of non-targeted methods at the Eurachem Cyprus event Recent developments in Quality Assurance, Nicosia, Cyprus, March 2024.

  • Contributed to the Eurolab webinar Method and procedure validation across laboratories: navigating precision in lab practices, February 2024.

  • Arranged a series of webinars, in conjunction with AOAC-E, entitled Trends & challenges for Non-Targeted Methods, November 2022 & June 2023.

  • Published the information leaflet The importance of method validation, 2021.

  • Published two supplementary guidance documents Blanks in method validation and Planning and reporting method validation studies, 2019.

  • Contributed to the NMKL-NordVal International symposium Speeding towards omics, Oslo, Norway, June 2019.

  • Contributed to the scientific program of the Eurachem Workshop Validation of targeted and non-targeted methods of analysis, Tartu, Estonia, May 2019.

  • Led a workshop Are MS-based methods fit for purpose? at the XXII International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Florence, Italy, August 2018.


  • The MVWG normally meets twice a year. One of these meetings takes place online while the second is in person. In addition, task groups may have occassional online chats on specific topics.
    MVWG 2020 02

Members of MVWG assempled face-to-face
for the last time before Covid
(Rome, February 2020)

  • The MVWG is currently working on supplementary guidance on individual aspects of method validation, either to be included in a coming version of the "Fitness for Purpose" guide as annexes or to be issued as supplements to the main guide.
    So far the following supplements have been issued:
    "Planning and reporting method validation studies"
    "Blanks in Method Validation"
    ...and more are in the pipeline
  • The MVWG are currently finalising work on revision of the Fitness for Purpose guide (3rd edition due around 2024). 
  • The MVWG is working on preparing a supplement which contains examples which apply the principles recommended in the "Fitness for Purpose" guide.
  • A Task Group on Validation of Non-Targeted Methods has been established. Arranging a series of ½-day webinars on the subject in cooperation with AOAC-E.
  • A Joint Task Group (JTG) has been set up in cooperation with the Sampling Uncertainty WG and with inputs from Eurolab and NMKL, to prepare Supplementary Guidance on the Validation of Measurement Procedures that Include Sampling. Initial discussions within the JTG have focused on the balance between the quantitative and descriptive approach, and also between the integrated and isolated approach. A Discussion Forum, joint with Eurolab, was held online on 4th May 2022 to engage with the wider user community and attracted 450 participants.

Contact the Working Group

The working group may be contacted via the working group Secretary using the Website contact form.
If interested in membership of the working group, the document "Method Validation Working Group – Roles & Responsibilities" should be requested from the secretary. 


  • Isabelle Vercruysse (Belgium)
  • Lorens Sibbesen (Denmark)
  • Piotr Robouch (JRC/EU) (C)
  • Pieter Dehouck (JRC/EU; Vice-Chair/Secretary)
  • Abdelkader Boubetra (France)
  • Nathalie Guigues (France)
  • Barbara Pohl (Germany) 
  • Stephan Walch (Germany)
  • Helen Gika (Greece)
  • Marios Kostakis (Greece)
  • Helen Cantwell (Ireland; Chair)
  • John Clancy (Ireland)
  • Karen Moore (Ireland)
  • Emanuela Gregori (Italy)
  • Marina Patriarca (Italy)
  • Elin Lovise Folven Gjengedal (Norway) (C)
  • Ewa Bulska (Poland) (C)
  • Pedro Pablo Morillas Bravo (Spain)
  • Francisco Raposo (Spain)
  • Elvar Theodorsson (Sweden) (C)
  • Ernst Halder (Switserland)
  • Fatma Akcadag (Türkiye)
  • Burcu Binici (Türkiye)
  • Perihan Yolci Ömeroglu (Türkiye)
  • Vicki Barwick (UK)
  • Steve Ellison (UK) (C)
    (C): Corresponding member

EEE Proficiency Testing Working Group - “Proficiency Testing in Accreditation”

(A joint EA – Eurolab – Eurachem Working Group)

Terms of Reference

  1. The working group EEE-PT has been established as a joint activity by EA, Eurolab and Eurachem (EEE) to provide support on the use of proficiency testing (PT) to laboratory personnel and accreditation assessors, and to support the process of accrediting PT providers.
  2. EA/Eurolab/Eurachem (EEE) may approve other appropriate organisations to become affiliated members to the EEE-PT. EQALM (European Committee for External Quality Assurance Programmes in Laboratory Medicine) is an affiliated member of EEE-PT
  3. The aim is to develop common policy and technical advice covering proficiency testing to improve the reliability of testing, measurement, calibration and examination results to meet the European needs
  4. The EEE-PT will ensure that the general procedures of working groups set up by EA, Eurolab and Eurachem are taken into consideration.
  5. The EEE-PT will provide a discussion forum in order to develop support in the form of guidelines and input into policy papers to:
    • Identify, review and promote the use of appropriate and effective proficiency testing in laboratory operations and accreditation procedures;
    • Help provide information on the availability of PTs;
    • Understand and address differences between specific sectors;
    • Contribute to the development and revision of International Standards and Guides relating to PTs and other ILCs.
  6. To provide a link with other international working groups and bodies in this field, e.g. ILAC AIC 17043 WG, to promote greater international harmonisation and reduce duplication of effort


Membership of the EEE-PT WG is open to representatives from the three parent organisations: EA, Eurolab and Eurachem who are each entitled to nominate five representatives. Affiliated organisations are entitled to nominate three representatives. Additional representatives from the parent or affiliated organisations, along with other international guests, may be associated with the EEE-PT WG at the discretion of the Chair.


The full EEE-PT WG will meet twice a year face to face. Task force groups (TFGs) may be established to address specific work items, such TFGs will meet on-line as required.


The Chair is elected by the EEE-PT WG members, and is subject to endorsement by the appropriate committees of EA, Eurolab and Eurachem. The Chair, is appointed for a term of three years, but can be reappointed upon completion of their term.


Organisation Country Member
  United Kingdom Brian Brookman (Chair)
  United Kingdom Adele Collins (Secretariat)
EA Czech Republic Marek Vyskocil
  Denmark Hans D. Jensen
  Germany Torsten Augustin
  Italy Sabrina Pepa
  Switzerland Ian Mann
  United Kingdom Richard McFarlane
Eurolab Germany Anna Fichtner
  Germany Ulrich Leist
  Germany Johannes van de Kreeke
Eurachem Germany Frank Baumeister
  EU Piotr Robouch
  France Caroline Laurent
  Spain Raquel Murtula
  United Kingdom Brian Brookman
EQALM France Stéphanie Albarède
  Hungary Erika Sarkany

International guests:

ILAC Secretariat (New Zealand), ILAC
He Ping, APAC PT Subcommittee

 Work Programme 2024 - 2025

  1. To update any appropriate policy or guidance documents on the cost-effective and technical use of proficiency testing in co-operation with ILAC and other interested organisations, and to contribute to the discussions within ILAC or any other appropriate international forum on PT activities
  2. To contribute to the revision of international standards and guides which underpin the quality of PTs and to discuss the recognition mechanisms for PT providers, contributing to the harmonisation of accreditation requirements
    1. Undertake a revision of the EA 'Guidelines for the assessment of the appropriateness of small interlaboratory comparisons within the process of laboratory accreditation (EA-4/21 INF:2018)
    2. Develop guidelines for flexible scopes for PT providers, covering how to formulate the flexible scope and possible assessment approaches and definitions of boundaries
  3. To support and promote harmonisation of accreditation bodies’ evaluation of laboratories’ participation and performance in PT
  4. To provide a forum for the discussion between the accreditation bodies and the PT stakeholders with regards to the accreditation of PT providers
    1. Give guidance for the harmonisation during the implementation of ISO/IEC 17043.
    2. Discuss and consider the relevant requirements from ISO 17034 that are applicable to the production of PT items
    3. Discuss and consider the relevant requirements from ISO/IEC 17035 that are applicable to any measurements or tests undertaken by the PT provider
  5. To view the relation between PT performance and accreditation surveillance mechanisms
  6. To identify mechanisms to promote new PT in all technical areas, including inspection, and to develop a mechanism for the implementation of PTs in areas where they do not currently exist
  7. To provide an overview of the “learning effect” of PT
  8. To co-operate with, and give input, to the EPTIS Project


Previous outputs

Technical Papers:

  • How to interpret information from proficiency test exercises concerning the relative performance of accredited laboratories (2001)


  • Use in Practice of Proficiency Testing by Accreditation Bodies and Laboratories (2003)
  • Accreditation, Recognition or Approval of Proficiency Testing Schemes (2003)
  • Co-organised with the EA-LC a survey on whether further guidance was required for flexible scopes for PT providers (2022)

Position Papers:

  • Use of Proficiency Testing as a Tool for Accreditation in Testing (2002) – formed the basis of ILAC22:2004
  • “Trade-Off” issue between Participation in Proficiency Testing and the Level and Frequency of Surveillance Activities (2004)
  • Organisation of Proficiency Tests and Interlaboratory Comparisons for EA Laboratory Committee (2003)
  • Establishment of a Multi Lateral Agreement (MLA) for the Accreditation of Proficiency Testing Providers (2004)
  • Educational Aspects of Proficiency Testing Programs (2005)
  • Use of Measurement Uncertainty in Proficiency Testing (2006)
  • Guidance to accreditation bodies' policies on the level and frequency of proficiency testing participation (2009)
  • Guidance document, for EA, on the content of scopes of accreditation for PT providers (2015)
  • Developed a guidance document, for EA, with respect to the use of inter-laboratory comparisons with few participants (2018)
  • Developed guidance, for Eurolab, for users of laboratory PT results with respect to a single questionable or unsatisfactory performance score (2018)
  • Position paper on whether rapid performance evaluation schemes can be used as a replacement for traditional PTs and whether they can be accredited to ISO/IEC 17043 developed (2018)
  • Information leaflet on 'Proficiency testing schemes for sampling' for publication by Eurachem (2020)
  • Information leaflet on 'Interlaboratory comparisons other than proficiency testing' for publication by Eurachem (2024)


  • Contributed to the revision of ILAC G13 (2007)
  • Eurachem guide on Selection, Use and Interpretation of Proficiency Testing (PT) Schemes (Second Edition, 2011)
  • Contributed to the work of ISO in the revision of ISO 13528 (2015)
  • EA-2/18:INF 2015 Guidelines for Accreditation Bodies on The Contents of the Scopes of Accreditation for Proficiency Testing Providers
  • EA-4/21 INF:2018 Guidelines for the assessment of the appropriateness of small interlaboratory comparisons within the process of laboratory accreditation
  • Eurachem guide on Selection, Use and Interpretation of Proficiency Testing (PT) Schemes (Third Edition, 2021) on behalf of Eurachem
  • EA-4/18 G: 2021, ‘Guidance on the level and frequency of proficiency testing participation’


Co-organised the EA-LC workshop on flexible scopes for PT providers (2023)


You can contact the EEE-PT Secretary here