Completed events

Trends & challenges for Non-Targeted Methods. Part 2: NTMs – qualitative or quantitative?
This online event, jointly organised by Eurachem and AOAC Europe, was the second event in a series of webinars on the use of Non-Targeted Methods (NTMs).
This series of webinars is planned to deal with the concept of NTMs (terminology, possible approaches, data processing etc.) and how such methods can be validated to give reliable results.
For this event, about 120 participants registered, from 34 different countries,including many from outside Europe.
Available presentations can be found under the "programme" tab below.
General information
Date: | June 6th 2023, 13:00-17:00 CET |
Venue: | Online |
1st Circular and programme | First circular [pdf, 217 kB] |
Registration | Registration for this completed event is closed |
Information and Aims
Workshop aims
This second event will cover
- The concept of semi-quantitative non targeted methods
- The use of Fingerprints for non-targeted analysis
- Traceability and uncertainty for qualitative analysis
- Non-targeted method dvelopment, including adaptations for targeted analysis and comparison of quantitative non-targeted methods
Programme and Presentations
The webinar comprised two sessions and ran from 13:00 - 17:00 CEST, with a break at approximately 14:45
Session 1 (13:00 - 14:45 )
- Opening, welcome
- Lorens Sibbesen, Lab Quality International
- What is a semi-quantitative non targeted method? [920 kB]
- Ian D. Wilson, Imperial College London, UK
- 'Finger-prints' – by use of a multitude of analytical principles [1.5 Mb]
- Stephan Walch & Jan Teipel, Chemisches und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt, Germany
- Traceability and uncertainty of qualitative analysis results [2.1 Mb]
- Dr. Ricardo Bettencourt da Silva, University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Session 1, discussion
Session 2 (15:00 - 16:45)
- Moving from non-targeted to targeted on the same instrument [5.5 Mb]
- Sophie Mompelat & Dominique Pessel, ANSES-Fougeres, France
- Development and comparison of quantitative NTS methods – past, present, future*
- Anneli Kruve, Stockholm University. Sweden
- Application example: PFAS analysis by use of NTMs [1.8 Mb]
- Anton Kauffmann, KLZH, Zürich, Switzerland
- Session 2, discussion
Closing discussion
- Wrapping up and pointing forward to coming events
- Lorens Sibbesen, Lab Quality International
- Opening, welcome
- Details
- Category: Completed events
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 12 July 2023 22:39